If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.

John 12:26

What does it mean to serve Jesus? To serve Jesus is to serve whom Jesus loves. God often spoke of looking out for the orphans, the widows, the homeless, and those who are less fortunate or defenseless.

Jesus went as far as to say that if you visit a prisoner in jail, it is as if you had visited Jesus Himself. Is Jesus saying that when we serve others, He credits it to our account as performing the same service directly to Him? Absolutely.

When we look out for what Jesus keeps His eye on, He credits these good deeds to a heavenly account with your name on it where moth and rust can't destroy.

Whether you are focusing on serving God or serving those God has given to you, consider some of the ways in which you might best serve both God and others.

The service-oriented person is:

  • SEEKING: They keep their antenna up, looking for ways to serve and exceed expectations.
  • COMPASSIONATE: They are sensitive to picking up signals that point the way to helping and adding value to others.
  • DISCERNING: They are aware of dynamic environments so they can anticipate future needs and act accordingly.

By serving customers, coworkers, or supervisors, God uses your struggle along the road to success to shape your character as a way to position and prepare you for future success.

What is the open door God puts before you to act as an invitation to partner with Him? The door to service.

Frequent questions:

  • Whom do you feel compassion toward that you could reach out to?
  • What areas of service has God made your heart sensitive to?
  • In what ways could you provide an act of service or kindness?

When you serve people as 'unto the Lord,' it is as if you are serving Jesus directly, and God receives your gift of service.