Have you ever asked yourself:

How can I help with the salvation of a loved one?

The steps of evangelization.

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We will contact him/her

We will process the request for an evangelization plan!

Arise for Christ Team

Avram Sabou


Avram Sabou

Responsible for personal evangelism, biblical counseling, and ministering to those going through difficult situations.

Mark Moldovan


Mark Moldovan

Involved in the evangelism department and biblical counseling.

Christian Potra


Christian Potra

Founder of the Arise for Christ mission and coordinator in the United States.

Dana Potra


Dana Potra

Founder of the Arise for Christ mission and financial administrator

Personal evangelism process steps applied to the local church.

Contacting the pastor
Process presentation
Collecting the evangelism requests
Approaching the unbeliever
Visiting the unbeliever
Church attending invitation
Regular report

"If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him."

"John 12:26"
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Book Arise for Christ

The book "Divine Intelligence"

"Like a masterclass for the working Christian, this devotional written for professional life will ignite your passion for Jesus in a completely new way."

~ Mark Cole

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Christian Resources Association

In June 2017, the Christian Resources Association was established, whose purpose is the online distribution through the websitewww.resursecrestine.roof free materials for the implementation of moral-Christian values.

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